
Assalamualaikum habibi :) 
kalian semua sihat? HAHA saya sini bapak gilaa sihat ahh -..-
Last night, i called him. Yeah peeps, it was 2 hours calling :D My ears turned red when the call ended :3
Yaa supersavers -.- HAHA kay at first, i was so scared to tell him the truth but time forced me to do that.
Duit saya tak cukup nk call dia lama lama*bergayut*, only for 2 hours boleh laa, ngam ngam woo -..-
Bila saya sudah start utk bagitahu perkara sebenar, i know what was playing in his mind and yeah, saya malu :(
Boy,  i'm so sorry. Yes i'm rubbish, tak tahu malu buat lelaki mcm tuu :O
Ugh okay so this upcoming friday, i'll meet him. Hope everything will be fine.