
Salam Ramadhan everybody :D
How's your life on Ramadhan? Sure everything's okay aite.
Well puasa at my school still same like the past years. No changes.
Buka puasa together, sahur pun for
sure together. Well terawih time is the greatest time, hot and sweat tak pernah hilang -.-
Nahhh nasib baik puasa dohh :3 Haaa so then after terawih #HAHA kejap kejap,
nk gelak dulu :DDD we have tadarus and we have to wait until 10:00 pm pastu
pergi makan*morey.
Haaa apa yg buat aku gelaknya tadi, yess act after terawih, my friends and I will settle up
one big project xD GAHAHA kitorang kacau budak woooo! Wehh pakai telekung
jadi hantu. Perghh sakai jeeeeee ;D The fact is,
last year, being ghosts after terawih was our daily routine. 
Jahat jeee lah anak anak muda ni takutkan orang :) Heeee.

But guys you know what, itulah one of our sweet moments #funny moment act.
IWUVYOUUUU friends, kbaii :D