
Alya sayang, be strong okay? :')
 Everything comes from Allah. Problem semua tu, put aside.
Study and family come first ♥ All mistakes that we did actually teaches us how to stand and
independent. Its okay, Allah bagi cabaran dkt alya sbb Dia tahu alya kuat semangat and never look down.
If you sad, just go and find your lovely sisters and friends here. We are always here with you.
Kita takkan pernah jatuh sbb lelaki lah Alyaaaaaaa :')
Guys are all same. Ego tak lari dek. They just think about themselves and ignore angels here -.-
Alya keep on study okay, belajar dulu. Yaa I know that I am not much good but believe me, advises can change your life alot :D Okay? ♥ Nahhhhhhhhhhh itu sahaja kot, hihihihi. 
Saya bkn beniat nk masuk campur hal diaa but dudes, this girl up here is part of my life. So I should bring her life up and never goes down. Yeah pretty much here, goodbye lovers haters.

Love, aina alia :')