Hello and assalamualaikum :)
Okay today, i am going to tell you about my friends. Nahh make it simple, my closest friends 
As you all know, everyone has friend. At least one. Friends are one of the most important place to put feelings on.
Friends also can change our attitudes. Either good or bad. 

Btw, this one. She is my closest friend. I put all my thoughts and feelings on her, she is the one who understand me well :)
She always with me when i have to face the obstacles.
Nurul Fatihah :) Okay she is good enough. Pretty, chubby :O Loyal friend. She is not a backstabber, at all!
She always there beside me, wherever i go. Yeah even her ANNOYING-NESS will come when we're gossiping,
it shows the TRUE her :D Okay she has DUAL-PERSONALITY. HAHA *mcm dr.jekyll pulak eh?
Truth is, she miss her ex- too much -.- OKAY AINA why you say this?
sbb every night kot, she will come to me and bisik "Aku sayang, rindu dia lagi".
Heheh emo an budak ni? Godai ah :D
HAHA whatever it is, aku ttp akn layan dia sebaik baiknyaaaaaaa ♥ Mwah for you sayang.

My second fellow mellow, here, Ummu syafiqah :) She is the TOUGH-EST girl i ever seen.
Okay does'nt mean TOUGH for guys tu -.- but ni KUAT. She can faces her problems by herself. Yaa dia cuba utk tidak melibatkan org lain even the fact is, dia tak mampu :( #sigh. You are strong girl.
Dia comel, okay sumpah coolz gilaaa. Dia suka snap pictures. Yeah same like me act -.-
She is the second person who can make me smiles and laughs every single day.
I love you so much hunny ♥ Okay one more thingy yg tak boleh lupa is,
She always TEMAN me when go date with najwan :) Weheeeeee.
Patiently she will wait for me till death kot? Kihkihkih.

Readers, not only this 2 honour people, tp ada 3 lagi buah hati saya ni.
But yeah, time needs me, sumpah ada hal ni. If ada free time, i will write about them, shooo showy chayunks :-*
Saya bukan lupa kalian semua but saya suntuk masa niiii. :3 
Okay so only this. Jaga diri eh semuaaaaaaa, boiiiiii