

chinese new year exactly! :D i'm happy for it, and for those who celebrating it, Gong xi fa cai! Hm i'm so sad tonight. i don't even talk with my boy :( where is he? where are you baby? I miss you like crazy here! :( esok nk off to johor. at last i can join papa's trip for the first time in 2012. This is the hardness of having 2 families. anywayssss, i have to accept it! things that already happened! hm :) guys, i love add maths! seriously, cool habezz doh bila buat then dpt the right answer, heaven please? :D haha. hm bio pun gempak, alhamdulillah form4 ni mcm semangat sikit weh nk belajar! Excited with ze new subjects and big challenge lah of course! :D GOALS: saya nk jadi pandai lah dah masuk upper secondary ni! No more "a miserable high school student", sekarang ni nk focus! taknak miserable bagai ;p Lol. haha. 

New topic, my friends got their new phone and i envy them! seriously, even phone kau ckp campak anjing mcm apa pun, tapi ttp phone kn? drpd aku yg nothing ni, NO PHONE! huah cam susah doh takde phone. apa pun tak leh ~.~ jealous nyaaaaa! Abg, bila doh? BILA? aku menunggu ni... haih. takpelah, sabar je ah sikit. But i just get so tired of waiting, hmmmm. but who knows, kalau sabar dpt phone sophisticated sikit ke en? huuu best jugak :D so i'd rather stay waiting and counting for the sweet moment! haaaaa seronok! k bloggers, seems like now is already 1:15 in the morning, i shall have sleep, enough sleep for tomorrow! kbye goodnight :)