Hye btw. I'm no longer single lady without phone! Haha saya ada phone dah sekarang but not like yours, expensive and SO-BEAUTIFUL-AS-FUCK. mine? haa cheap and handy ;) Lagipun temporary je. Im here to tell you guys about what papa told me just now (he called me using office's). Papa was offering me SAMSUNG GALAXY S2. haha biar betik pa oi? Abg pun kemain ckp haritu nk belanja iphone lah pe kejadah, sekali apa pun tak dpt jugak -.- haa semua ckp kosong je family aku ni. At first, i wondered why papa asked me for that, biasanya tak pernah pun. Rupanya papa dpt bonus this month and he thought of me first. I hope papa is so gonna give me that! T_T Huah saya sungguh pelik, ye saya tahu. Samsung GS-2 taklah mcm phone korang kan? BB lah, iPhone lah, whatever lah. yes i am really sure there's some people out there gonna say; alah samsung gs-2 je, tu pun nk cerita sampai blog. Huhhh ~.~ cik kak oi, saya cerita sbb saya tak pernah dpt! Faham? Saya teringin nk batak cam org lain batak. Tak boleh ke? Tak boleh? Okay -.-

Takpelah, kalau tak dt pun takpew. Aku rela menunggu apa yg terbaik ~ Hahaha oklah, see yaaaa! Bye xoxo.