fuuhh fuuhh.

hye there loveliess! ;) dah lama kita tak sentuh blog ni. its been a busy year yknow! -.- i hate form4. everything about upper form, I HATE! about studies, i have to be more concern on it. takleh main main dah like previous years! add maths, chemist, physics, bio and all that are PENCACATS! but apa apa pun, aku kena sayang PENCACATS tu -.- I HAVE TO.... Hmm. done with studies~ 

so now, i'm here holding a big banner and whats written on it? IMMA SINGLE LAYDEHH :) yes, we're no longer in relationship status and both SINGLE now! :D i'm the one who planned all this *lantak pi lah kalau korang fikir ini salah aku* but i know what am i doing. ini utk kebaikan kedua pihak. yaaa yaaa aku rasa aku tak perlu tulis kt sini whats the problem and so on~ privacy weh. cukup aku bagitahu kitorang dah takde apa2 okay? 

hm holiday kali ni boleh laaa tahan. saya lepak dgn tiha and syaff :) serious best but kitorang takleh lepak lama. aku ada hal -.- and dorang bengang sbnrnya HAHAHAHA heran? k thats all i guess... enjoy! bye