Goodluck 96's!

Okay sayangs! So tomorrow is the day. PMR candidates will shows a thousand reactions! Like happy, sad, regret, and 'don't care'! And me, myself will show.. ugh okay depends on my result. Kalau bagus pun, for sure I will cry too. and if it's not my target, so i'll cry all day long -.- Ugh sounds shit aite? Mmg dohhh~ haih tiha syaff ryka loot nott, korang aku yakin mmg the best lah k? kita dah struggle together kan? :D takpe eh, kita tawakal je. For my other friends, korang pun goodluck okay? :D kita kan pandai semuanyaaa ;p haha. can't wait to meet mah friends tomorrow, but a lil of anxious actly...coz of the results.

Ya Allah, kabulkan segala apa yg ku pinta sepanjang tahun ini ya Allah! Haihhh wannnnn, u je tahu cane i complain pasal nervous ni kan? he calmed me down, and yeahhhh, dia berjaya! aku dah tak se-nervous dua hari yg lalu. Aku nangis last 2 days and now, aku boleh laa~ err cool down sikit. thanks baby :* Maa, sorry kalau aina tak dpt buat mama bangga, i've tried my best and yeah, i deserved on what i get! aina dah stuggle habis dah :)

Okay guys, so this is it! Aku terima je lah apa yg aku dapat. Semuanya Allah dah tulis. Tawakal je k? K goodluck friends, goodluck 96's! yeah :D