Now the clock is ticking and 30minutes left. Its new year babes! 2012 :) 2011 is going to leave us with a lotzzzzzzzz of memories indeed. Either bad or good. Praise yourselves guys! You've just done your job as a human on 2011 :D Make it clear, don't regret on what you have done! you did it and you deserve it! kita manusia kan? baik buruk tu biasa lah. take it as a lesson okay?

Everyone is out now and celebrating new year's eve with their love ones, their friends, families and all. Me? Ahah chilling with my lappy :D aku baru balik dari kampung ni and mama's planning was like this, from kampung straight away go to KL an watch the BOOM BOMM stuff! But it seems like abah's too exhausted, so now we're home! Sokay, celebrate is not so important okay. Intentions tu yg penting, my intention is, i want 2012 is going to be a better year than ever! *dancing*:D Hm saya jealous dgn sayang saya ni sbb dia celebrate with his girlfriends! I guess no boys at all! Only him weh! The ONLY kot?! Kot lah.*Oh aku sikit pun tak heran lah woiii....PADAHAL DALAM HATI !@#$%^&*(* Haaa untung lah sayang pergi dgn kawan kan? grrrr ~.~ i kt sini, err garu kepala kopek luka dah kering pintal rambut.. Ok whatever! Btw have fun sayang! :) 

Hm so i'm leaving now, have fun with your new year guys! But please don't you ever forget to pray 5 times a day okay? Ongeeyyy babaii goodnight world creatures! HAPPY NEW 2012 :')