School is about to start and i ain't ready for it. Honestly, i'm not ready to get into form4. to handle the 9 subjects and its like a WORLD WAR III! I need a clean game. What i mean here is, i need to change my way of study! I should less play, still enjoy, still laughs, but a bit less of play! okay a bit, not more okay? take note :} I can't even stand when i sit together with my beloved friends. They are just like GIGGLING and TICKLING me so that i would laugh like a group of devils! :3 what a bad manner! haha but biasalah kan, friends if we sit together, we will tell all the stories! kalau boleh since we were born punya story pun nk cerita! Haha :D Hm mama hopes the best from me, a flying colours result for my SPM this 2013, insyaAllah. I'll prove her as well. I'll be more focus! because from my viewed, my seniors, they were like freaking out studied to make them easy learn and understand in form5. They have reminded us before, form4 is not a honeymoon year! Its a GAME! Nk test je either we focus or not in that year -.- Ok damn damn damn! Cuak bhaii dengar ni! But aina, stay cool lah, org lain boleh score, takkan kau tak boleh? Impossible mayynn if u say u can't! I just hope this two things will come true, i wanna score in SPM and beat my sister! She's clever enough yknoww? :{ Then i wanna make my parents proud of me! Smile and yeah, YELLING to crowd :D *okay will not ever happens* hahaha ok. 

Btw i miss my friends a lot. Can't wait to meet them! Hope they're going to be my dormmates :D kalau tak pun, neighbour lah like last year. Haha :D Okay so aina, Be good, be nice, be.. yeah~ cute. ahahah. I'm going back to my asrama on this 3rd jan, everything will be fine insyaAllah :) Instead of, aku tertinggal barang ke apa kt rumah? Sure and 100% goal, mama will scold me if i left anything in the houzz. haha! Okaylah, stop here. Its too long i guessed. goodnight assalamualaikum :)