Seriously i never expect this before. Ya allah, terima kasih ya Allah :) guys, u know wht? dgn berkat aku doa dan mohon yg terbaik dari Allah, Allah dah tunjuk kt aku mana yg paling terbaik. Maa, thanks a lot :)

So this is how the story went, tadi mama panggil aku turun bawah, she said she wanna discuss something? soooo a bit anxious and curiousity passed through my mind -.- Aku dah set, sure thing THIS IS ABOUT SCHOOL, NEW SCHOOL! mama asked me, am i serious wanna change to that new school? So that i answered whats on my mind, i'll accept whatever mama's choices, then i just can.. hmm follow what she wants! suddenly je mama ckp, she let me choose and believes me as well. She knows i can choose whats the best for me :) Ohmy.... WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? Mama bagi saya stay asrama? *melting*... then i asked her are you serious? she said, i'm big enough, she feels like she's torturing me :// she let me goo, she let me stay in asrama. Then i asked her again and again, baik mama decide betul2 sebelum start sekolah ni. Mama ckp thts why mama nk bincang dgn aku so that benda ni jadi lebih tersusun.

I asked her once again, kenapa mama last minute baru nk ckp boleh stay asrama? her answer, asrama lebih teratur and belajar pun dah sedia kelas. aku takyah pening2 fikir pasal tuition kalau duduk rumah :) transport to school pun dah in hand. tinggal naik bas je, kalau stay sini, aku kena tumpang org lah -.- aku sendiri tak sangka doa aku utk mintak yg terbaik termakbul akhirnya :) almost every night aku buat solat istikharah *bkn berlagak k?* utk mintak petunjuk Allah, tapi aku still tak dpt mimpi tu. I wondered why i still can't get the dreams as the guidance? Alhamdulillah akhirnya Allah balas aku dgn cara ni...

Guys out there, sorry sbb selama ni dkt twitter and facebook, i wrote about my new school life lah, kena pindah lah, apa lah. haa biasalah, kita hanya merancang, tuhan yg menentukan :D My haters, aku kembali berjumpa korang di ASRAMA YAYASAN SELANGOR KLANG :) Mwehehehehe *evil laugh* Aku kembali utk menjahanamkan hidup korang? Okbai assalamualaikum ##