
Assalamualaikum world creatures! x How are you doing? Fuh dah lama hamba tak usik blog. Busy with twitter.... *i guess* haha :D So i'm here gonna tell nothing. Yes, which means i have no idea  at all, what to tell or share, i don't know. Maybe just a few things.

Hmm i don't know what the hell is wrong with my feelings? Mixed up and boleh buat mati *maybe* Haihhhhhhhh. Aina :( Kenapa ni? Okay make it clear, aku MENYESAL dengan apa yg aku pernah buat towards him. Yes MENYESAL, understand? hmm but... sometimes i think, mesti ada hikmah yg Allah nak kita tahu. YA ALLAH what is wrong with me actually?????????? I've been thinking about him lately and seriously it's painful. 

Now, the only thing that makes me smile is "FRIENDS". Their laughters calm me down. Thanks for being with me ups and downs, dear 6 angels :) I give all thanks to Allah. Haih aina, DON'T GIVE UP EASILY! xxxxx U're still young gurl!!!!! Enjoy your life lah dude. No sad sad okay? :p hehehe okay okay. done with this! Got to go, bye. 

fuuhh fuuhh.

hye there loveliess! ;) dah lama kita tak sentuh blog ni. its been a busy year yknow! -.- i hate form4. everything about upper form, I HATE! about studies, i have to be more concern on it. takleh main main dah like previous years! add maths, chemist, physics, bio and all that are PENCACATS! but apa apa pun, aku kena sayang PENCACATS tu -.- I HAVE TO.... Hmm. done with studies~ 

so now, i'm here holding a big banner and whats written on it? IMMA SINGLE LAYDEHH :) yes, we're no longer in relationship status and both SINGLE now! :D i'm the one who planned all this *lantak pi lah kalau korang fikir ini salah aku* but i know what am i doing. ini utk kebaikan kedua pihak. yaaa yaaa aku rasa aku tak perlu tulis kt sini whats the problem and so on~ privacy weh. cukup aku bagitahu kitorang dah takde apa2 okay? 

hm holiday kali ni boleh laaa tahan. saya lepak dgn tiha and syaff :) serious best but kitorang takleh lepak lama. aku ada hal -.- and dorang bengang sbnrnya HAHAHAHA heran? k thats all i guess... enjoy! bye


My life saver :) Tenenenene them! Nampak kan "happiness" tu? Actually we're just hiding that from our love onesss, NAZRUL IZWAN. He had to move to Alam shah, cheras. We are sooooo sad, mega sadd!!! :( So malam before dia keluar, kitorang lepak and bought him some muffins, haha muffin tu ryka ckp rasa BANTAT. hahahahha bila dgr tu, semua mcm "........!@#$%^&* KAU CKP APA?????" Rupanya bantat, k.......... Hahaha. Sedih sangat mlm tu, tapi pretended to be okay eh? Hee.

So the next day, balik sekolah, kitorang lepak kfc klang. BUSH treated us! Ugh bush shoooo kind, hahaha :D Nazrul ada, kami semua ada! Time tu, the most...... ah paling sedih. Bila otw balik, kitorang share memories together, semua tak boleh dilupakan. Sampai asrama, kitorang semua nangis. Semua takleh accept :'( But nak buat mcm mana kan? itu yg the best, he should go and make his parents proud of him! :) Goodluck nazrul. We love youu, infinity!

So, end about friends here. Harini, papa nk buat surprise for me! Whoaaaa i can't wait ;D Shayangggg papa lebih, muahx muahx! Hahaha. K readers, cepat nyaa holiday berlariii. esok dah nak habis cuti, wednesday, school reopen! Huah tsk tsk takmohhhh! :O Hmph, btw i miss sayang so much. Kbyeeeeeeee assalamualaikum :)


Feels like long time i haven't touch my baby here, uuu blog sowy k. terlupa awak lah ;) wee. By today, the last weekend for holiday and i can't even bare to leave this lappy alone in my room. Oh how sad. Hee but takpelah, sekolah punya pasai, ceq sanggup naa, sanggup ~ Btw saya kehabisan credit! And no one texts me!! (mcm tahu2 je woi aku tadak credit) -.- Haha. 

So how's your holiday guys? Cam wonderland ke rumah tu? ;D untung ah siapa rasa rumah dia wonderland. i have nothing to tell about my holiday, semalam sahaja lah. I met my SILLY WILLY NIGGAH! Ayol, Haikal, Naqi, Apeez, Zanee, Bismi, Ali, Amin. K thats all i guess.. Kami makan pizza wooo! Sampai 4 pizza kitorang bantai. Who cares?! Haha perut aku mcm lelaki jugak sebenarnya ~ Hentam saja lah labuuuuu. Function kitorang jumpa sbb naqi kena move to MRSM LANGKAWI. k naqi, tahniah dow. Muka haprak pun dpt mrsm, k bagus kawan aku ni ;) We went to Jusco nearby yesterday. Yah lepak sekejap je pun, tak lama. Btw, i love them so much! And they're just like.... get into my nerves! Ayol, thanks for the tweet k. THANK YOU SO MUCH T.T hoh golong, nama aku bukan FUCKER. btw he sent this to me; Hye. For your information I MISS YOU FUCKER. Hadoh k aku tahu kau rindu aku, tapi agak agak lah ~ takpe, aku chill. Btw I MISS YOU TOO ASSHOLE. nnt aku balik the other week, kita jumpa ah lagi :)

I'm going back to hostel tomorrow and yeah..... tak suka langsung. fullstop. Seronoknya balik hostel when it comes to mah frienzzz. Ha yeah yg tu sumpah best. Oh lupa one thing, tomorrow's going to be nazrul's last day in aysk and I AM MEGAAAA SAD :( Wey, pergi sains alam shah tu baik2 k? Ingat friendship kita mcm mana dulu. Aku akn ulang video yg kau buat utk kita semua tu! SWEAR AKU TAKKAN LUPA KAU! YOU'RE THE BEST I EVER MET! What a sad lyfe asdfghjkl :( 

I'll end up this BOYS-POST with assalamualaikum and take care everyone! I'll update this blog again by... hmm ok idk when :X Obey your school rulesssssssss haha byezzzz!


Hye btw. I'm no longer single lady without phone! Haha saya ada phone dah sekarang but not like yours, expensive and SO-BEAUTIFUL-AS-FUCK. mine? haa cheap and handy ;) Lagipun temporary je. Im here to tell you guys about what papa told me just now (he called me using office's). Papa was offering me SAMSUNG GALAXY S2. haha biar betik pa oi? Abg pun kemain ckp haritu nk belanja iphone lah pe kejadah, sekali apa pun tak dpt jugak -.- haa semua ckp kosong je family aku ni. At first, i wondered why papa asked me for that, biasanya tak pernah pun. Rupanya papa dpt bonus this month and he thought of me first. I hope papa is so gonna give me that! T_T Huah saya sungguh pelik, ye saya tahu. Samsung GS-2 taklah mcm phone korang kan? BB lah, iPhone lah, whatever lah. yes i am really sure there's some people out there gonna say; alah samsung gs-2 je, tu pun nk cerita sampai blog. Huhhh ~.~ cik kak oi, saya cerita sbb saya tak pernah dpt! Faham? Saya teringin nk batak cam org lain batak. Tak boleh ke? Tak boleh? Okay -.-

Takpelah, kalau tak dt pun takpew. Aku rela menunggu apa yg terbaik ~ Hahaha oklah, see yaaaa! Bye xoxo.